Irish Left Archive Podcast

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John Goodwillie: Young Socialists, Socialist Labour Alliance, SWM, Socialist Labour Party, Gralton magazine and the Green Party

John Goodwillie: Young Socialists, Socialist Labour Alliance, SWM, Socialist Labour Party, Gralton magazine and the Green Party

In this episode we talk to John Goodwillie. John is a long-time political activist, who has been involved in a number of progressive parties and organisations. He was a member of Labour in the 1960s and belonged to the Young Socialists, Socialist Labour Action Group and subsequent Socialist Labour Alliance. He was involved with the Socialist Workers’ Movement (SWM) in the 1970s, and joined the Socialist Labour Party (SLP) when the SWM merged with that party as a tendency, and remained on the National Executive until the SLP’s dissolution.John was on the editorial board of Gralton magazine. He has also participated in a number of campaign groups, including the Dublin Clean Seas Group, the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) - on the executive of which John served in various roles - and the National Lesbian and Gay Federation. Since 1990 he has been a member of the Green Party, and was the party’s candidate in Dublin South Central for Dáil and local elections through the 1990s. He has been involved in policy formation and served as Secretary of the Party’s Policy Council.We discuss the history of Irish Left organisations since the 1960s and John’s own political trajectory: from Labour in the 1960s, through organisations seeking to form a party of the Left. We also discuss Gralton magazine and John’s political activity in the 1980s and in the Greens since 1990.John created a ‘family tree of the left’ diagram, which provided an overview of the splits, merges and relationships between organisations on the Irish Left, printed in Gralton in 1983. It was an online copy of this which inspired the creation of the Timeline of the Irish Left on our own website - John’s diagram gave us a starting basis for it, and we are indebted to John both for that and for subsequent suggestions and corrections to the initial version.The Gralton Family Tree of the Left, by John Goodwillie. From Gralton magazine, 1983. (Image from materials in the archive may be of interest to listeners in the context of the discussion.From the fourth issue of The Worker, the aims of the Socialist Workers’ Movement (SWM):The Fintan Lalor branch of the Labour party mentioned in the podcast was expelled in 1971. Listeners may be interested in this article from Labour News Bulletin announcing the expulsion:Labour News Bulletin, July 1971, on the dissolution of the Fintan Lalor branch and expulsion of Paddy Healy for membership of the Socialist Labour Alliance.Gralton magazine was published in 1982-83. This is the first issue of the magazine:Gralton, No. 1 The Irish Left Archive Podcast looks at Left politics in Ireland, talking to activists, writers, historians, politicians and others involved in Left organisations and movements about their experiences of participating in Left parties and campaigns. The podcast is hosted by Ciarán Swan and Aonghus Storey. View this episode on our website: #14: John Goodwillie: Young Socialists, Socialist Labour Alliance, SWM, Socialist Labour Party, Gralton magazine and the Green Party.

Brian Hanley: The Lost Revolution - The Story of the Official IRA and the Workers' Party

Brian Hanley: The Lost Revolution - The Story of the Official IRA and the Workers' Party

In this episode we talk to historian Brian Hanley about The Lost Revolution: The Story of the Official IRA and the Workers’ Party, the book which he co-authored with Scott Millar, published in 2009. We discuss the history of Official Republicanism from the move to the Left in the 1960s up to the contemporary, and how Brian and Scott went about researching and writing the history of that movement.Brian Hanley is Assistant Professor in Twentieth Century Irish History in the Department of History, Trinity College Dublin. His other books include The IRA, 1926-1936 (2002), A Documentary History of the IRA, 1916-2005 (2010) and The impact of the Troubles on the Republic of Ireland, 1968-79: boiling volcano? (2018).The Lost Revolution: The Story of the Official IRA and the Workers’ Party is published by Penguin. The Irish Left Archive Podcast looks at Left politics in Ireland, talking to activists, writers, historians, politicians and others involved in Left organisations and movements about their experiences of participating in Left parties and campaigns. The podcast is hosted by Ciarán Swan and Aonghus Storey. View this episode on our website: #13: Brian Hanley: The Lost Revolution - The Story of the Official IRA and the Workers' Party.

Colm Breathnach: Workers Party, Democratic Left and Irish Socialist Network

Colm Breathnach: Workers Party, Democratic Left and Irish Socialist Network

In this episode we talk to Colm Breathnach. Colm was a member of the Workers Party throughout the 1980s, and was elected as a local councillor for the party in 1991 in Dún Laoghaire. He subsequently joined Democratic Left when that party split from the Workers Party, but left over the issue of coalition when the party entered government. He was later involved in the formation of the Irish Socialist Network. Since then Colm moved to Scotland where he was involved with the Scottish Socialist Party and RISE, and remains politically active.For an article from Colm on the ‘third way’ position between orthodox communism and social democracy he discusses in relation to the Workers Party, see this issue of Making Sense:Making Sense, No. 15Listeners may also be interested in the 1989 Ard Fheis speech by Proinsias De Rossa mentioned in this episode.The Marx quote mentioned by Colm is in the afterword of the second German edition of Capital (Vol. 1): The Paris Revue Positiviste reproaches me in that, on the one hand, I treat economics metaphysically, and on the other hand — imagine! — confine myself to the mere critical analysis of actual facts, instead of writing recipes … for the cook-shops of the future. The Irish Left Archive Podcast looks at Left politics in Ireland, talking to activists, writers, historians, politicians and others involved in Left organisations and movements about their experiences of participating in Left parties and campaigns. The podcast is hosted by Ciarán Swan and Aonghus Storey. View this episode on our website: #11: Colm Breathnach: Workers Party, Democratic Left and Irish Socialist Network.

Ber Grogan: Abortion Rights Campaign, Repeal, and Communities Against Racism

Ber Grogan: Abortion Rights Campaign, Repeal, and Communities Against Racism

In this episode we talk to Ber Grogan. As an activist, Ber was involved with the Abortion Rights Campaign, and was a co-ordinator in Dublin North West during the referendum to repeal the eighth amendment. She also ran a Seanad campaign for the NUI panel, and is currently active in Communities Against Racism.We discuss the Abortion Rights Campaign, Together for Yes and the Eighth Amendment Repeal campaign, and the experience of organising, canvassing, producing campaign material and building community groups and activist networks. We also discuss Ber’s Seanad campaign focussed on registering eligible voters, and her involvement in Communities Against Racism, which draws in part on those established community networks.Leaflets from the Dublin North West repeal campaign:Repeal the Eighth - Dublin North West RepealPlease Vote YES With Us on May 25Some further links of interest: Abortion Rights Campaign The Digital Repository of Ireland Culture Night Event, Culture at risk: Digitally preserving the referendum on the 8th Amendment can be viewed on their website. The In Her Shoes book is available here The Irish Left Archive Podcast looks at Left politics in Ireland, talking to activists, writers, historians, politicians and others involved in Left organisations and movements about their experiences of participating in Left parties and campaigns. The podcast is hosted by Ciarán Swan and Aonghus Storey. View this episode on our website: #10: Ber Grogan: Abortion Rights Campaign, Repeal, and Communities Against Racism.

Michael Pidgeon: Green Party, and Irish Election Manifesto Archive

Michael Pidgeon: Green Party, and Irish Election Manifesto Archive

In this episode we are joined by Michael Pidgeon. Michael is a long-standing member of the Green Party and was elected to Dublin City Council in the 2019 local elections for the South West Inner City Local Electoral Area. He is chair of the city’s environment and climate policy committee, and leader of the Green Party group on Dublin City Council.Michael is also the creator of the Irish Election Manifesto Archive site, which hosts manifestos from Irish parties going back to the 1950s.We’ll be talking first to Michael about his experience as an activist and then councillor with the Green Party, through electoral losses after their first period in government, to the recent resurgence in the 2019 local elections and 2020 general election.We’ll also discuss the Irish Election Manifesto Archive project, and the role of party manifestos and how they have changed over time. The Irish Left Archive Podcast looks at Left politics in Ireland, talking to activists, writers, historians, politicians and others involved in Left organisations and movements about their experiences of participating in Left parties and campaigns. The podcast is hosted by Ciarán Swan and Aonghus Storey. View this episode on our website: #9: Michael Pidgeon: Green Party, and Irish Election Manifesto Archive.

Orla Egan: Cork LGBT Archive

Orla Egan: Cork LGBT Archive

In this episode we are joined by Orla Egan of the Cork LGBT Archive. Orla founded the project in 2015, and has developed it to now encompass a digital archive available at, which is also retained as part of both the Digital Repository of Ireland and Europeana; a physical archive now housed in the Cork City Council Public Museum; a book entitled Queer Republic of Cork; and a number of exhibitions.We talk to Orla about how she developed the archive as a volunteer with limited resources to the multi-format project it now encompasses; the histories and stories of the Cork LGBT community represented in the archive material; the challenges of a community archive project; and the value of community archives as activism.These are the open projects and tools for archives mentioned by Orla: Omeka - open source platform for digital collections Homosaurus - an international LGBTQ linked data vocabulary Some materials from the Cork LGBT Archive mentioned in this episode: Cathal Kerrigan canvassing Michael O’Riordan at ICTU General Conference Cork 1981 LGBT Workers Rights and Irish Trade Unions Collection The Irish Left Archive Podcast looks at Left politics in Ireland, talking to activists, writers, historians, politicians and others involved in Left organisations and movements about their experiences of participating in Left parties and campaigns. The podcast is hosted by Ciarán Swan and Aonghus Storey. View this episode on our website: #8: Orla Egan: Cork LGBT Archive.

Mary Muldowney: Trade Union and Left Campaigns, the Socialist Party, and Oral History

Mary Muldowney: Trade Union and Left Campaigns, the Socialist Party, and Oral History

In this episode we talk to Mary Muldowney about her political background and experience campaigning in the trade union movement and working in the Socialist Party; pro-choice campaigns including the Women on Waves ship and the abortion referendums; and her work as a historian, and how that relates to her activism.Mary is a historian in residence with Dublin City Libraries. She is the author of The Second World War and Irish Women: An Oral History, originally her PhD thesis. She has a particular interest in oral history, and was involved in the founding of the Oral History Network Ireland, edited the Alternative Visions Oral History Group book 100 Years Later: the Legacy of the 1913 Lockout on the centenary of the lockout, and is also involved in the Labour History Society.As an activist on the Left, Mary has been involved in trade unionism, was formerly a member of the Socialist Party and worked with Joe Higgins in the Dáil, and has been involved in many campaigns over the years.An archive of some of the SIPTU fightback publication discussed in this episode is available on Dublin Festival of History is currently ongoing throughout September, and includes online talks from Mary Muldowney. Visit the Dublin Festival of History website for details. The Irish Left Archive Podcast looks at Left politics in Ireland, talking to activists, writers, historians, politicians and others involved in Left organisations and movements about their experiences of participating in Left parties and campaigns. The podcast is hosted by Ciarán Swan and Aonghus Storey. View this episode on our website: #7: Mary Muldowney: Trade Union and Left Campaigns, the Socialist Party, and Oral History.

Rhona McCord: Trade Unionism, the Right2Water Campaign, and Community Organising

Rhona McCord: Trade Unionism, the Right2Water Campaign, and Community Organising

In this episode we talk to Rhona McCord about her political background, the Right2Water and Right2Change campaigns, community organising, and the challenges for the left and Trade Union movement in the contemporary period.Rhona is a longtime activist on the left, she has been involved in Militant, union activism, the United Left Alliance, and a number of campaigns including Right 2 Water and Right 2 Change. She currently works for Unite in Strategic Research, Community Development and Communications. She also has a doctorate from TCD for research into the ‘Post World War Two Suburban Development of Dublin’.The Right2Change document discussed:Policy Principles for a Progressive Irish Government The Irish Left Archive Podcast looks at Left politics in Ireland, talking to activists, writers, historians, politicians and others involved in Left organisations and movements about their experiences of participating in Left parties and campaigns. The podcast is hosted by Ciarán Swan and Aonghus Storey. View this episode on our website: #6: Rhona McCord: Trade Unionism, the Right2Water Campaign, and Community Organising.

Alan Kinsella: Collecting Political Ephemera, "The Others", and Politics During a Pandemic

Alan Kinsella: Collecting Political Ephemera, "The Others", and Politics During a Pandemic

In this episode we talk to Alan Kinsella about his Irish Election Literature collection, how it has developed, and the advantages of a wide online network that has spread internationally; how political activity has changed during the Covid19 pandemic; his podcast “The Others” and the histories that that explores; and also the state of the contemporary party system since the last election and the current coalition was formed.Alan will likely be known to any followers of Irish politics as the man behind the Irish Election Literature collection. He digitises a lot of documents on his website and on social media, as well as having exhibited materials several times, including in the National Print Museum (in an exhibition that also included a small selection from the Irish Left Archive), and at party Ard Fheiseanna. He regularly appears in the media as the de facto expert on election material and Irish political ephemera, and has recently started a podcast called “The Others - the Alan Kinsella podcast” in which he tells the stories of some of the smaller groups and parties to have stood in elections over the years.Alan has also been very generous in donating material to the Irish Left Archive over the years.Visit the Irish Elecion Literature website at, or find Alan’s collection on the Irish Political Ephemera Facebook page and on Twitter at @electionlit. The Irish Left Archive Podcast looks at Left politics in Ireland, talking to activists, writers, historians, politicians and others involved in Left organisations and movements about their experiences of participating in Left parties and campaigns. The podcast is hosted by Ciarán Swan and Aonghus Storey. View this episode on our website: #5: Alan Kinsella: Collecting Political Ephemera, "The Others", and Politics During a Pandemic.

Conor Kostick: SWP, Independent Left, and Left Organising and Activism

Conor Kostick: SWP, Independent Left, and Left Organising and Activism

In this episode we talk to Conor Kostick of Independent Left, and formerly the Socialist Workers Party, about a range of areas including his own history, activism and historical research, materials in the Left Archive that he has contributed to and issues like the use of social and other media in Left organising. Conor is an activist on the left, an historian, a researcher, and a novelist in a range of genres. Amongst other things he was twice chairperson of the Irish Writers Union, and a member of the Board of the National Library of Ireland. He was a long time member of the SWP, a former editor of Socialist Worker, and subsequently joined Independent Left in 2019. You’ll find Left archive documents to which Conor has contributed on his page, as well as some of his other writing, which Conor has kindly made available to the archive. These documents in particular are discussed in this episode - a pamphlet written by Conor Kostick for the SWM, and public meeting notices from Independent Left: Why the Irish Labour Party Fails Mutiny! [Public Meeting] Ireland’s Greatest General Strike: April 1920 [Public Meeting] Some further documents mentioned in the course of the discussion may also be of interest: Socialist Revolutionary Group Ireland, “An Open Letter to the Communist Party of Ireland” Cork Workers Club, “Irish Socialists, Partition and the Struggle in the North” (Originally published as an introduction to their reprint of James’ Connolly’s Ireland on the Dissecting Table.) Correction: The introduction to this episode describes Conor as a founding member of Independent Left. It had in fact been in existence for some months before he joined.

Catherine Stocker: Social Democrats

Catherine Stocker: Social Democrats

In this episode we talk to Catherine Stocker of the Social Democrats. Catherine is a local councillor in Dublin City. She has been a member of the Social Democrats since 2016, and since then has been involved in policy formation, sat on the National Executive of the party, and in 2019 was elected to Dublin City Council for the Clontarf LEA.We discuss her experience of joining and building a new political party, policy formation, working with other parties in the repeal referendum campaign, and her experience as a local councillor.This is the policy document mentioned in the discussion:Sexual and Reproductive Health Policy DocumentYou’ll find more on the Social Democrats on their website. The Irish Left Archive Podcast looks at Left politics in Ireland, talking to activists, writers, historians, politicians and others involved in Left organisations and movements about their experiences of participating in Left parties and campaigns. The podcast is hosted by Ciarán Swan and Aonghus Storey. View this episode on our website: #3: Catherine Stocker: Social Democrats.

Laurence Cox: Left Publications, Social Movements and Activism

Laurence Cox: Left Publications, Social Movements and Activism

We talk to activist, writer and academic, Laurence Cox about publications in the archive in which he has been involved, the organisational and political aspects of those projects, and the contexts in Left politics and movements from which they emerged.Laurence is an activist and writer on social movements, working class community activism, and global justice struggles. He has been involved in several publications included in the archive: An Caorthann, a magazine for environmental and Green movements associated with the Green Party in the 1990s; and Ireland from Below, an independent newspaper for social movements and activists in the 2000s. He is currently an editor of Interface, an online journal for and about social movements internationally. He is Associate Professor of Sociology in Maynooth University. His books include Why Social Movements Matter, published in 2018, and most recently The Irish Buddhist: the forgotten monk who faced down the British Empire, which tells the story of a working class Irish man who became a leading Buddhist reformer and anti-colonial activist.For more information on Interface, visit their website at The most recent edition, “organising amidst COVID-19: sharing stories of struggles”, has articles from a huge range of movements around the world.These are the examples of the publications discussed:An Caorthann, No. 5Ireland from Below, January 2006Interface, Vol. 1, No. 1 The Irish Left Archive Podcast looks at Left politics in Ireland, talking to activists, writers, historians, politicians and others involved in Left organisations and movements about their experiences of participating in Left parties and campaigns. The podcast is hosted by Ciarán Swan and Aonghus Storey. View this episode on our website: #2: Laurence Cox: Left Publications, Social Movements and Activism.

The Irish Left Archive Project

The Irish Left Archive Project

Introducing the Irish Left Archive Podcast! In this episode, Ciarán Swan and Aonghus Storey discuss how the project got started in 2007 and how it has developed since then.The Irish Left Archive was started as part of the Cedar Lounge Revolution (CLR) blog and later developed into the separate website at We discuss the background to the project, the advantages of a non-institutional, informal archive and how the project has benefitted from the community around the CLR, both for gathering relevant political material and building a better picture of the history of the Irish left from discussions in comments with a wide range of participants and interested people.We are starting this podcast partly in lieu of a planned symposium, which as you might expect, we have delayed in the current circumstances. In the coming episodes, we’ll be talking to a number of people about particular documents in the collection, the history of the Irish Left and activism in Ireland, the advantages and pitfalls of informal projects like this and other similar archives, and lots more. The Irish Left Archive Podcast looks at Left politics in Ireland, talking to activists, writers, historians, politicians and others involved in Left organisations and movements about their experiences of participating in Left parties and campaigns. The podcast is hosted by Ciarán Swan and Aonghus Storey. View this episode on our website: #1: The Irish Left Archive Project.